Maybe this one’s for you: There is a moment in life where reality practically opposes your dreams. You wake up from one of these enchanting dreams, realising you were actually dreaming. But why? That’s how it should be.
Sometimes, dreams become a hideout/retreat/refuge from real life. Yet, the would-be safe-haven can be treacherous. While we’re lingering in your dreams, life passes by. Soon, our most valuable good, our lifespan, will be spent.
While roaming your dreams, you neglect making them come true. You plod on, hoping some day, your dreams will be fulfilled. Thus, we linger in our dreams as much as possible in order to numb the pain induced by reality. As we seek refuge in our dreams, present conditions tend to feel less painful. This results in reduced motivation leave behind our present situation to strive for the fulfillment of our dreams.
On top of that, we persuade ourselves that reality isn’t that things aren’t actually that bad. If that doesn’t help, we complain about even little flaws in life. And here we go, the pain is numbed.
Pain and discontentment anyhow have the strongest impact for a change. Once pain rises over a certain threshold, we begin to change our lives. Before reaching that point, we remain in fear of the unknown, staying any effort to proceed changing.
Sometimes, development is triggered by an ordeal: maybe we or a member of or family have an accident, or we are fired by our employer, or we are diagnosed a severe illness. To some extent, also a divorce or the end of a relationship can make us think.
But do things need to escalate in order to induce change, appreciation for our lives and the urge to discontinue those things that keep us from leading a life according to our dreams?
At any time you can assess your life to find out if it corresponds with your visions and dreams. When you cultivate respect and appreciation for yourselves and refrain from belittling your needs, pain and discontent, chances grow for a change. You can start living in the present and become active in order to create the life of your dreams. But beware: You will need to firmly commit yourself to it.
Do not blame others or external circumstances for your own situation, but realise the dimension of your own responsibility. By the way, it actually is possible to do so ;-).
Last but not least: Let’s look at an example for responsibility and neglecting to live your dreams: the game of LOTTO.
Having your LOTTO ticket in your pocket keeps you hoping to become rich once and then subsequently our dreams would come true. But clinging to hope will bereave us of our motivation to become active and to work your way towards your aims. The chance of winning in the LOTTO game, anyhow, is as low a one in a million. Also, personal achievements will be appreciated much more thoroughly than undeserved gifts could ever be.
So, this is our two pennies for today.
Your Kopfrichter Aurel and Christian